Friday, June 4, 2010


Well the vibrant cobble stone streets of Tallinn are a welcome change from the bleak landscape and weather of Vaeroy. Tallinn is alive with tourists, historic or even ancient buildings, chic european vibe, friendly and helpful staff and reasonable prices for restaurants.

Our first impressions got us a bit worried with many locations for cheap booze and many ads for clubs and the general party, party atomsphere at the ferry landings, but a walk through the old town, dating back to 1200's, along with friendly nature of the locals calmed our fears of a crazy booze fueled party zone. I guess we are gettiing old ;-)

Within the Medieval walls of old town Tallinn are many buildings dating back to 1200 and 1300's with the old walls and defence turrets providing a striking appearance. The tight and cobble stone streets and many churches create a true feeling of Medieval times. Just outside the old town is the growing modern commercial business area with many new office buildings containing the emerging high tech and financial corporations and many shopping centres. Tallinn has definately embraced the western attitude towards free entreprise since regaining freedom from the Soviets in 1991. It seems to working for them with a general sense of energy, vitality and growth.

Tomorrow we have another early morning and are catching the ferry to Helsinki, should be exciting!

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