Thursday, June 10, 2010

Funny observations of Russian culture

We have been in Russia for four days now and have noticed a number of things that made us laugh. We thought you might enjoy these too. Here are our observations:

- everyone in Russia smokes. Some restaurants have non-smoking areas, but there is no point. It has been tough to get used to.
- the drivers here are crazy. Crossing a road is a death trap, even at a marked cross walk.
- parking is always available because parking on the sidewalk seems to be acceptable.
- Russians pose for their photos. It is hilarious even the young kids know how to stike a pose. It is like Russia's Next Top Model.
- Russians must be small. The bed in our hotel is way too short and the toilet is way too close to the bathtub. You have to sit down sideways.
- In the stores, all customers are treated as shoplifters until proven otherwise. You are watched like a hawk and followed in all stores, especially in food stores.
- Cops are not here to protect you. Rather, they are here to intimidate both Russians and tourists and look for any excuse to fine you.
- The military are everywhere.
- One in five Russian men look like Ryan Hall, seriously.
- You cannot access YouTube in Russia, we were trying to watch Boney M's Rasputin.
- Leopard print, mini-mini skirts, crop tops, 3 inch heels, bright pink lipstick and potent perfume are in style. Today we walked by a mother and daughter both in leopard print tops.
- The infrastructure is crumbling, literally. A brick fell off of our hotel yesterday and landed in our window.
- There is a wide range of cars on the roads (and sidewalks) that range from 1950s Russian cars to luxury European SUVs. We were surprised by how many of the old Russian cars are still on the streets.
- Russians look mean. Most are friendly when you speak to them, but we have discovered that the more that you smile at them, the more they scowl. It has become a bit of a game for us.
- English is not common here. We can get by with English only, but it sure attracts attention. Today we were sightseeing and were chatting to each other. A man walked by us, heard English, and turned around to stare at us. The funny part is that he tripped in a pothole and almost bailed.
- Oh, and did we mention that everyone smokes?

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